Protecting Your Kids from Periodontal Diseases

Periodontal diseases are quite common in kids. In order to prevent them, kids must stick to a strict brushing and flossing routine, but that’s difficult when their day-to-day activities change constantly. However, as a parent, it’s important to find the right time during the day for them to manage their oral routine. Recent studies have proven that your oral health deals a lot with your overall health. You don’t want your child missing school due to dental emergencies or other health related issues because of dental problems. However, if you know the warning signs, school absences and painful toothaches will be avoided.

It’s important to understand what causes periodontal disease. In short, it’s the buildup of plaque along the gum line in your mouth. Plaque is a sticky, invisible substance that will inevitably form in everyone’s mouth. This is because it’s impossible to remove every single food particle or snack remnant stuck in the crevices of your teeth and gums. As a result of a buildup of plaque, bacteria will begin to form. Once bacteria have setup in your child’s mouth, it will begin to feed on the sugars and starches your child eats. It will then produce toxins and other nasty things that get into your child’s teeth and gums. This byproduct of bacteria is what causes oral diseases such as periodontal diseases and cavities. In order to prevent it, make sure your child is brushing along their gum line. It’s also important that they make it to the dentist twice a year. We can help remove all that plaque buildup, so bacteria have nowhere to live.

You should learn the differing degrees of periodontal diseases. The term “periodontal disease” is just an umbrella term that refers to multiple forms of gum diseases. The two major ones are gingivitis and periodontitis.

Gingivitis is the lesser of two evils. However, it is still evil nonetheless. This is the beginning stage for gum disease. You might notice your child’s gums are extra swollen, a brighter shade of red, or they bleed a bit when he or she brushes and flosses. Luckily if this is the case, it’s completely reversible at this stage. Your child just has to brush a little bit longer, floss an extra time, or make sure they’re brushing everywhere. A trip to the dentist can’t hurt either. As stated previously, we’ll make sure to remove all the plaque your child missed when they were brushing. Some parents don’t fret about minor symptoms of gingivitis, but you should! Gingivitis can lead to worse problems.

This form of periodontal disease is the second stage after gingivitis. The symptoms of this disease are far worse. They still include the likes of swollen or bleeding gums, but symptoms can also include deep pockets forming around the base of the teeth. If this occurs even further infection can occur as this is a perfect home for bacteria. As this occurs, teeth become loose and are very likely to fall out. As this point your child is going to need an entirely new smile, which is pretty costly. However, all of this can be avoided by simply concentrating more on their oral habits and making sure they make it to their dental appointments, which is a much more cost effective plan!

In order to successfully defeat any form of gum disease, you and your children must understand its causes and what it looks like if it does happen to show up in your child’s mouth. Stop the disease before it becomes too troublesome. Remember: Gingivitis can be reversed. Periodontitis cannot. Don’t let it get so out of hand that your child needs an entirely new smile! Instill good oral health habits that will last lifetime. After our primary teeth fall out, we’re only left with one other set.

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