Space Maintainers

Sometimes your child loses baby teeth earlier than expected.

When a child loses a primary tooth too soon, the permanent tooth may not be ready to break through the gum. As a result, the space needs to be maintained in order for it to emerge in the right position. Hence the need for space maintainers!

The procedure to make a space maintainer is relatively simple. A mold of your child’s mouth is taken, so that each space maintainer is custom fit for your child. Space maintainers are made of metal and plastic and may take a few days for your child to get used to its presence. However, once they become familiar with it, they won’t even realize it’s in their mouth! They’ll be thanking you in the form of their perfectly aligned smile as they get older!

If your child has lost a baby tooth and you’re concerned about the alignment of their adult teeth, please schedule an appointment with Collegeville Pediatric Dentistry or call us at 610.409.2599.