We know that quality dental care and oral hygiene are very important to you in helping maintain your child’s oral health. We’re committed to providing your family with the best possible care in a pleasant and fun environment here at Collegeville Pediatric Dentistry.
Having a Dental Emergency?Do you have a Special Needs Child?Pediatric Dentistry ServicesMake an Appointment
- Dental Services
- Scheduled Checkups
- Crowns
- Space Maintainers
- Fillings
- Special Needs Services
- Quiet Rooms
Why us?
A child’s smile is an essential part of their overall health. The brighter their smile is, the less likely they are to have dental concerns. Here at Collegeville Pediatric Dentristy, our friendly, talented dentist has plenty of practice and experience working with children of all ages. We’re all about kids and making a visit to our office a great experience! Our expert doctors not only make your child comfortable being in the highchair, but they make it enjoyable, too! Your children deserve the best care when it comes to their oral health. Make sure they receive it by signing up with the Pediatric Dentistry of Collegeville. At Collegeville Pediatric Dentistry, we’re specifically trained to treat kids with special needs. A child’s oral health should not be placed in jeopardy due to their developmental issues. We eliminate the dental treatment concerns that may surround mental and developmental disorders. We’re here to help and care for your child the same way you do everyday! Learn More